The only three in one performance stroller for Running, Biking and Nordic Skiing.

The award winning hands free running stroller for great performance, fewer injuries and multiterrain.

Welcome to our Pivot Glide System (PGS) - The only full body Nordic Skate and Classic trailer solution with kids.

Introducing our Dynamic Safety Hitch (DSH) solution for the best bike trailer experience with kids.
Let customers speak for us
from 157 reviewsWe love the KidRunner so far! Have only used it a couple times as our daughter is still quite small, but the size and weight compared to others on the market is unbeatable!! Customer service is phenomenal and they are willing to help with anything!! So excited for ski season!
I am a 2:20 marathoner and in addition to the Kidrunner, I have a traditional (good quality) running stroller. I prefer the Kidrunner for multiple reasons. Obviously being able to swing my arms and maintain my posture is important, but I find I can also concentrate on my running and mostly forget about the stroller. With the push stroller, you kind of always are thinking about the stroller. I also like that my daughter can watch me while I run. She seems to like this and being able to see all around her, which I think is why she generally enjoys the Kidrunner much more than the push stroller (I've gone as long as 14 miles with her). It's also nice to be able to fully enclose her when the weather is not great. Now instead of feeling guilty when I go running, it has become the best part of our day together. We usually stop at some point along the way so she can come out and we explore the river for a little while, unless she falls asleep, which she often does, so it's nice if you want to put your child to sleep, but if you want them to stay awake, you may need to run right after they wake up.
After seeing how it works, I can appreciate the thought that went into the design and recognize why you wouldn't want a cheap pull stroller. You have to get the settings just right so it doesn't bounce too much as you run. They say not to shorten the length unless you are really short, but in my experience, cadence seems to matter more. My wife is shorter than I am, but I run with a much higher cadence (~190) and we find consistently that it works better for me at a shorter length (which makes sense since with simple harmonic motion, the length should relate to the frequency; sorry, I teach high school physics). The other suggestion I have is to remove the outer plastic door when you are not using it (rather than leaving it rolled up). The reason I say this is because leaving it rolled up creates permanent creases that impair the visibility.
My one complaint is that the bearings in one of the wheels blew out after about 1000 miles. But when I wrote to the company about it, they responded immediately and sent me a replacement wheel at no additional cost! It's really nice to know that their customer service is so great, they seem to want to make sure each customer is happy with their product.
As the months started to pile up from when I pre-ordered the KIDRUNNER to when I received it, I started to get really nervous that it wouldn’t work for me. I’m not crazy strong and my youngest just keeps getting older (2) and bigger (25+ lbs). I panicked and sent a cancel email to Will and then promptly sent another asking him to ignore my cancellation request, haha. I was reassured that everything would be just fine and the KIDRUNNER would work for me. We received our KIDRUNNER on Monday and I am so happy that I retracted that cancellation request. I’ve tried many jogging strollers through 3 kids and ended up just not running with them because it was too hard to push and steer. Running with the KIDRUNNER is EASY! You feel a slight tug when you start and if you change pace, but then it is smooth sailing. I can maneuver on sidewalks, around parked cars, and out of the way of oncoming cars with ease and without having to really think about it. I chose the steepest hills in my neighborhood to really test the struggle uphill and while the tug is more intense, it is still doable and not nearly as hard as pushing a stroller. The BEST part is that my daughter LOVES “her seat”. She brings all of the things she needs to keep herself occupied and just watches the world roll by. Our first trip out was just supposed to be a spin around the block but that little dictator made me run 2 miles because she didn’t want to get out. “No home! No home mommy!” I love that the cockpit folds down to make storage a little easier. My only wish is that in the design there was some sort of latch and handle to better secure the cockpit down when folded and to make carrying it to store a little easier. This was SO worth the wait. Thank you Will and the KIDRUNNER team for all of your hard work getting these orders fulfilled and all of the status updates along the way!
Will, I had the Kidrunner delivered directly to my daughter's home. This weekend was the first time I had a chance to see it in action. My daughter is an elite runner and coach who has a one year old. The Kidrunner met and exceeded our expectations. It allows her to run hands free with her infant well protected and happily enjoying the experience. It was well worth the wait!
We were so excited to receive our Kidrunner here in Italy and it didn’t disappoint! It feels great to be able to run naturally and our son loves it. He has a good view out from the windows and feels very secure whilst be able to see mum all the time running in front. We live in a very hilly area of Tuscany and the Kidrunner deals with the steep gradients (15%+) really well!
My son quickly got bored and uncomfortable in a traditional push running stroller. The kiddrunner has solved that problem and is much more user friendly for me stride wise. We’ll be using it until he gets to big. Thank you kiddrunner for the great product!
My husband and I are SO HAPPY with our KidRunner!!! We can now run/ride at the same time since we can take our little baby with us! It was so worth the wait and Will, the CEO, was incredibly communicative during the entire process. He has also helped us troubleshoot to get the perfect set up for us. Thank you KidRunner!
This company is exceptional in their care and attention to detail when it comes to serving their customers. I could say a lot more, but in summary they treat us like family members.
After almost two years and about 5'000 km with the KidRunner on every possible terrain (mud, cobble stones -it's Tour of Flanders country here-, even dunes or snow...) we particularly like (1) natural running position for both Sofie (50 kilo and trail runner for traꓘKs https://www.trakks.be/nl/team) and myself (82 kilo, judoka) (2) the freedom we have to continue (trail) running as a family and (3) the fact it is a people magnet: wherever you run, people cheer, show their respect... (Little do they know it's actually a lot easier than they suspect.)
Our son, Magnus, accompanies us since he was 3 months (obviously, we didn't do trails at that time...).
(Due to COVID19 we've done only one race: half a marathon in Knokke, so we can't really tell a lot about using the KidRunner in a race.)
We have to mention it was rather expensive (to obtain it in Belgium: $795 KidRunner + $337 Shipment + €238 Import Tax, as Belgian customs judged it "a vehicle to be used on public roads") and our version has no rain cover or bug net.
These, however, are minor inconveniences. The price per kilometer is less than what we spend on running gear in the same time slot. A simple plastic cover from our baby-stroller kept out the rain and snow. And we never had to pay a baby-sitter for Magnus (who did a lot of his afternoon naps in the KidRunner, with an extra benefit of about 500 hours outdoors for him).
The KidRunner is not made for walking (it starts rocking at < 6 km/h) nor for sprinting (it begins to sway at about 17 km/h). At any speed between those limits, the cockpit stays in a perfectly stable and comfortable position and Magnus can enjoy the scenery. As your kid gets heavier, you can adjust the position of the cockpit.
The ride can be a trifle hard on narrow tracks and on rocky surface / pebbles / cobble stones. I would dare to suggest to have a look at: https://www.croozer.com/en/croozer-kid-vaaya-2-jungle-green (sensor activated lights and excellent shock absorption). Something like the https://www.croozer.com/en/climatex-baby-seat-from-2014 would have come in handy as well when we started using the KidRunner (Magnus was about 3 months at the time).
We think the best proof of the fact the KidRunner is well designed is this: even on tough terrain, uphill and with the extra load you can maintain your natural running position and your heart rate goes up no more than 10% compared to running on the same track without the KidRunner. The cockpit is a rigid structure, hence a safe place for kids. The KidRunner rolled over on two occasions (cutting a corner too sharply hitting the curb stone and running over Sofie's foot, twice my mistake), yet Magnus was safe and sound.
Apart from the normal wear and tear (given the conditions we are using it in), only one part broke down (worn out/torn waist harness, most likely due to my transpiration) but that was replaced with a smile. I would have said: with no questions asked, but Will actually asked us a lot of questions: i.e.: how to further improve the product. Will's commitment to keep us running, finally, is the proof the people at KidRunner know what running parents need...
I absolutely love my kidrunner and I am excited about the new features, however I need more. I need a double cockpit. I have two babies, I need to take both with me on my run. Please include infant features.
The KidRunner SKI really made our winter! We enjoyed countless ski adventures as a family, and as a stay-at-home mom, I really made the most out of nap time by getting out and enjoying the trails.
We purchased a kid runner with the arrival of our first child - a beautiful little girl. As former nationally ranked athletes, we've always had a very active lifestyle (on a daily basis) and our goal was to keep being able to exercise, no matter the situation. We hate poor quality equipment and this has surpassed all our expectations.
We purchased the nordic ski attachment (which we've been using solidly four to five days a week for the past four months) and used the running setup for about a month before snow arrived. It has performed better than any previous generation equipment - be it joggers/strollers/chariots for running, baby gliders for skiing, etc.
The KidRunner for skiing (and running) is the best - by far, of any unit I’ve ever tried. My parents pioneered the first baby gliders more than 30 years ago (I was the test subject), we’ve used chariots - but this is far far better.
The ability to ski without hinderance - properly weight shift and corner makes the it an absolute joy to use. It’s light, smooth and responsive.
- Hip belt is awesome; it absorbs shocks and transfers away from the unit really well. You don't feel like your movement is restricted in any form.
- The cornering is awesome; it handles high speed corners well without tipping.
- The child’s lower centre of gravity (below the pivot point) make the unit extremely stable.
- great windows for the child to look around. And cover with sufficient ventilation to avoid fogging up even at cold temperatures
You have a brilliant product and it will change how we are able to stay healthy and enjoy the outdoors as a family! Thank you so much!
This is my second review. After almost a year after I received it, this past weekend my daughter and I logged over 500 km in 2020. I can't imagine our lives without it. It lets my daughter have a nap, gets me exercise, and my wife some quiet alone time, all at the same time.
As the parent of an eight year old who uses a wheelchair for mobility, when my youngest was born I was was faced with the unique challenge of trying to figure out a way to workout with both my children in tow. Pushing both my eight year old in his Benecykl, and my youngest in his traditional jogging stroller was too challenging, and I found myself feeling discouraged, and on the verge of “giving up”. Around this time I saw my first kidrunner and immediately knew this is what our family needed. I purchased my kidrunner in August of 2019, and have since put a lot of miles on it. This product allows families like ours the freedom to take both our kids out, and me some time each day to “take a break” and just enjoy being outdoors. This equipment helps me release a lot of stress, and it’s both my kids favorite time of the day. I will say be prepared for cars to stop and ask questions, we get a lot attention when we’re out on the road.
I love jogging with my kids and was really sad last year when my three year old deemed riding in a traditional push stroller “too babyish” and was thrilled to find the KidRunner- not only does it make running easier as she gets bigger, it makes her happy too. She likes to pretend it’s a roller coaster or space shop and loves it so much more than a push stroller. I love that it keeps my hands free and allows me to have a more natural running form- I do believe that all my years of running with a traditional push stroller have really done a number on my hips and running form mechanics. Great fuel that the KidRunner affords is a couple more years of running together!
BUY NOWDesigned from the beginning for running the way you love to run; hands and arms free, natural arm swing, super lightweight, fewer injuries and multiterrain. That's why KidRunner is the #1 running stroller in its category by Runner's World, Women's Running and more. Did we mention the world records...?
BUY NOWOnly KidRunner SKI has our patented Pivot Glide System (PGS) for full body and arm swing performance for Nordic Skate and Classic skiers. Our center connected harness, integrated weather cover and independent ski mounts, quick release parts and gear bag make KidRunner SKI the best ski trailer available. Don't forget to pack your hot chocolate in the big back pocket.
COMING SOONBike is now part of the KidRunner Multisport platform; three sports in one. KidRunner Bike has the industry's only Dynamic Safety Hitch Solution (DSH); an innovative 360 degree, multi-axis, shock absorbing universal hitch for performance, safety and easy attachement to almost any bike.
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Time to Get Ready for Nordic Ski Season!
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