The human spirit is incredible. It's what inspires KidRunner. When Jonas Deichmann called us from Europe to ask if we could collaborate in support of his attempt to be the first person to Swim, Cycle and Run around the world, we said, "YES!"....Well, first we said, "Are you crazy...?". But the longer we spoke with him and did our research into his incredible accomplishments including 5 ultra adventure world records, we knew that we were talking to our favorite kind of crazy.
We are proud to be part of Jonas's world class team of performance products designed to make the impossible, possible. Jonas tells the story way better than we do so we invite the global KidRunner community to follow Jonas on Instagram #jonas_deichmann, Facebook and on his web site.
If you're like us, you'll marvel at his adventurism, tenacity and great spirit. And you might marvel at the world's only sports running stroller covering thousands of miles across beautiful Mexico. So if you're wondering, "Can KidRunner handle a 5K with my kid?"....wonder no longer!
Con mucha suerte, Don Jonas!